Through Hypnosis

Develop and control your mind


Health Problems That Can Be Cured

 Through Hypnosis

Hypnosis or hypnosis is a state of mental relaxation and stillness based on the idea of ​​communicating with the subconscious mind, which prompts the patient to answer various questions that he refuses to answer while fully conscious, and for this reason scientists have called it hypnosis, which is not considered sleep but rather a state that separates consciousness from unconsciousness. Below we will shed light on some health problems that can be eliminated through hypnosis.

Bas du formulaire

First: Getting rid of the smoking problem

Smoking is considered one of the worst and most harmful habits for humans, as it is primarily responsible for the most dangerous disease of all, which is cancer in its various types. Recently, modern studies have discovered that hypnosis can be used to help people get rid of the harmful habit of smoking by using some psychological methods that make people view smoking as a bad and deadly habit that must be quit.



Second: Getting rid of excess weight

Many people suffer from obesity, which prompts them to follow some diets and harsh exercise that help get rid of this health problem, but due to the difficulty of diets and excessive appetite for food, a person fails to achieve this goal and to obtain a fit and healthy body. Here comes the importance of hypnosis, which helps to treat the problem of excess weight by  controlling the subconscious mind and urging it to reduce excessive appetite for food , and urging the person to also abandon wrong eating habits.



Third: Getting rid of the problem of phobia

Phobia is one of the most annoying psychological problems that a person suffers from in his life. It is a feeling of chronic fear and extreme panic that afflicts a person when he is exposed to certain situations such as climbing to high places, sitting in crowded places, sitting in closed and narrow places, fear of flying and riding in an airplane . Recently, psychiatrists have confirmed that the problem of phobia can be eliminated by undergoing hypnosis sessions under the supervision of a specialist doctor.



Fourth: Treating Dental Diseases with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has proven to be an effective treatment for dental-related conditions, particularly in controlling the intense fear and anxiety that many individuals experience during dental procedures such as tooth extraction and alignment. Typically, hypnotherapy is applied a few minutes before the dental treatment. Notably, this technique can also be used for children who require dental correction.

Fifth. Treating Surgical Pain with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has demonstrated its ability to serve as an alternative to anesthesia during surgical procedures. Some individuals, such as those with heart conditions, high blood pressure, or allergies, cannot tolerate general anesthesia. For such patients, hypnotherapy sessions can be administered for an extended period, allowing surgeons to perform the procedure while ensuring the patient remains free from pain or discomfort.

Sixth. Treating Hysteria with Hypnotherapy

Hysteria is a condition characterized by sudden neurological disturbances that lead to alarming symptoms such as temporary blindness, paralysis, unconsciousness, memory loss, or loss of speech. Medical experts have reported that hypnotherapy has successfully treated many cases of hysteria in a safe and efficient manner.

How to Choose a Suitable Hypnotherapist:

If you are considering using the services of a hypnotherapist, here’s what to look for to ensure you find the best specialist for your needs:

  • Choose someone with a medical background, such as a doctor, psychiatrist, or counselor, in addition to their hypnotherapy certification.
  • If you have a mental illness or a serious condition, select a hypnotherapist who is knowledgeable about your specific situation.
  • If you are seeking therapy for your child, ensure the hypnotherapist has experience working with children.
  • Check whether the therapist is accredited by professional standards organizations (PSA-approved bodies).

These tips are essential because, in the UK, hypnotherapists are not legally required to undergo specific training. This means that anyone is free to offer hypnotherapy services.


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