Anger management

Develop and control your mind

Don't Get Angry

Tension, anxiety, fear of the future, and sadness—these words are repeated so often around us that they have become the dominant picture of our lives. Happiness has become a rare wish that only a few can attain. But why is that? How can we change this dominant image, eliminate the causes of stress and anxiety, and achieve true happiness?

The Nature of Emotions

Emotions are always fluctuating, much like the weather. You may wake up feeling happy, only for something during the day to disturb your peace—and vice versa.

When Do I Feel Happy?

Many people wait for a specific event to occur before they allow themselves to feel happy. Some believe that happiness is the result of success. However, the truth is the opposite: success is the result of happiness.

Take Elvis Presley and Dalida, for example. They achieved everything they desired—fame and fortune—yet they were not happy. They ended their lives in despair.

No one is inherently unhappy, but certain thoughts can cause feelings of misery. If a person is not happy with their current life, they will not be happy in any other life. There is no road to happiness—happiness is the road itself.

Happiness Is Within Our Reach

Happiness is within our grasp, yet we fail to see it because we constantly compare ourselves to others and desire what they have, rather than appreciating what we already possess.

To achieve happiness:

  • Keep your heart pure and free of hatred or resentment.
  • Make forgiveness and tolerance your principles in life.
  • Focus on your own flaws and work on improving them.
  • Set high and noble goals and dedicate yourself to achieving them.

Stress: The Child of Anxiety

Anxiety is a state of continuous tension caused by the anticipation of a real or potential threat. It is often accompanied by vague fear and both physical and psychological symptoms.

Types of Anxiety

Anxiety can be categorized into:

  • Social anxiety: Arising from social interactions and frustrations in relationships.
  • Personal anxiety: Related to an individual's self-perception and internal conflicts.

Is Money a Source of Happiness?

Money is not a direct cause of happiness. The more money people have, the more they tend to spend, leading to increased worries and conflicts.

We must ask ourselves: Why are we anxious and stressed? Often, the reasons are trivial and unfounded.

Causes of Anxiety and Stress

Stress affects people differently based on their hobbies, jobs, and environments. It reduces productivity, concentration, and self-confidence. Common causes include:

  • Suppressed thoughts and emotions
  • Unmet desires and needs
  • Biological factors related to the nervous system
  • Genetic predisposition

Degrees of Stress

Stress can vary in intensity:

  • Extreme stress
  • Severe stress
  • Moderate stress
  • Mild stress

Symptoms of Stress

Stress manifests in both psychological and physical symptoms:

  • Psychological symptoms: Nervousness, fear, discomfort, loss of appetite, or overeating.
  • Physical symptoms: Heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, hand tremors, cold extremities, and more.

How to Live a Stress-Free Life

To eliminate stress, we must treat anxiety through:

  • Psychological treatment: Identifying the causes of anxiety, rebuilding self-confidence, and seeking guidance and counseling.
  • Environmental adjustments: Improving surroundings, seeking refuge in faith, practicing forgiveness, and developing patience.

Since life is but fleeting moments, why should we subject ourselves to psychological and physical harm caused by stress?

Tips for Reducing Stress

  • Practice relaxation techniques.
  • Maintain a healthy sleep schedule.
  • Adopt good eating habits.
  • Eliminate negative thoughts that lead to worry.

Control Your Anger

Anger is a fire that burns both the mind and body, leading to illness. Managing anger is essential for success in life. To do so:

  • Resist pressure with patience.
  • Ignore envious and negative people.

Be Yourself

  • Stop imitating others—find yourself and be yourself.
  • Always look at situations from a positive perspective.
  • Enjoy life and do not let self-doubt hinder your progress.

The Ten Keys to Happiness

  1. Strengthening your connection with God by following His commands and avoiding His prohibitions.
  2. Upholding noble values such as honesty, integrity, love, and forgiveness.
  3. Maintaining purity of intention and conscience, and accepting God's will.
  4. Recognizing and valuing your internal strengths and utilizing them.
  5. Balancing the seven aspects of life: spiritual, physical, personal, family, professional, social, and financial.
  6. Cultivating inner peace and psychological comfort.
  7. Practicing unconditional forgiveness and generosity.
  8. Setting goals and striving to achieve them.
  9. Living in the present moment.
  10. Embracing hope and optimism.

The Seven Laws of Happiness

  1. The Law of Love: Everything stems from love.
  2. The Law of Forgiveness: Love is the foundation of pure energy, and without love, forgiveness is impossible.
  3. The Law of Gratitude: Appreciating life's blessings brings joy.
  4. The Law of Attraction: Whatever you focus on will be drawn to you.
  5. The Law of Abundance: To receive, you must first give.
  6. The Law of Return: What you do comes back to you in kind.
  7. The Law of Cause and Effect: Every action has an impact on you and those around you.

Final Advice

  • No one can make you angry or upset without your permission.
  • Your feelings are not dictated by external events but by how you interpret them.
  • Change the way you analyze events, and your emotions will change accordingly.
  • Instead of seeing a situation as an insult, consider that the other person may be struggling with difficulties in their life—this will invoke compassion rather than anger.
  • Accept what cannot be changed and focus on what you can influence.
  • Remember, there is no such thing as failure—only life experiences.

Two things will make you wiser:

  1. The books you read.
  2. The people you interact with.
Ideas have a greater power than you can imagine… They either lead you to happiness or to
 misery, and in both cases, you are the creator of these ideas. Therefore, pay close attention to what you think about, because your thoughts will shape your reality today and your future tomorrow. The more positive and constructive your thoughts are, the more successful and happy your life will be. On the other hand, if your thoughts are negative, you will be far from achieving anything positive in your life

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