Creative Thinking/part 2

Develop and control your mind


How to Develop Creative Thinking Skills?

Many people believe that you are either a creative thinker or you are not. However, this is not true—creative thinking is a skill that can be learned and developed through practice and training. Here are six ways to enhance your creative thinking skills:

1. Read About Topics Outside Your Interests

We all enjoy reading about subjects related to our field of expertise and interests. While this is beneficial, it does not necessarily enhance creative thinking. This type of reading may inspire or motivate you, but if you want to develop creativity, read books and articles on topics outside your specialty. Exploring new subjects will give you fresh perspectives and help generate creative ideas.

2. Try the 500-Word Exercise

This fun and effective exercise is perfect if you struggle to focus your thoughts or generate new ideas. All you need to do is take a piece of paper and a pen, or open a blank document on your computer, and start writing! You don’t need to stick to a specific topic or worry about grammar—just pour out every thought that comes to mind, even if it seems random or unstructured. At the end, you’ll have a crazy, unexpected piece of writing, but you’ll also feel a surge of creativity and notice a flow of new ideas.                                                                          


3. Watch a Movie in the Cinema

A movie theater might not seem like an ideal place for creative thinking, with its big screen, whispers from the audience, and the smell of fresh popcorn. However, watching a fantasy or sci-fi film on a giant screen can make you feel like you’re part of the story, which can stimulate creative thoughts and inspire new ideas.

4. Use Music to Boost Creativity

Some believe that complete silence is best for creative thinking, but studies have shown the opposite. Silence actually improves focus, which can sometimes limit creative thought. If you're working on a complex problem that requires attention to detail, silence might be helpful. However, if you want to enhance creativity, you need some background noise or music.

Working in an environment similar to a coffee shop, with ambient sounds, can be beneficial. You can also find ambient noise tracks online that can help stimulate creative thinking.

5. Surround Yourself with the Right Colors

Numerous studies have shown that colors impact creativity and mood. According to research published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the U.S., blue has a positive effect on creativity and greatly enhances creative thinking. The same applies to green.

And where can you find blue and green together? In nature! Spending time outdoors in natural surroundings can significantly boost your creative thinking skills.

6- Engage in Brainstorming Sessions

Find at least one person to join you in this exercise. Set aside 45 to 60 minutes for a brainstorming session, ensuring that you eliminate all technological distractions. Instead of using a computer or phone, opt for pen and paper.

Choose a topic or idea you want to brainstorm about. You and your partner should write down every thought that comes to mind regarding the subject. It is essential to avoid criticizing any idea, no matter how unusual it may seem.

You may end up with 100 bad ideas, but hidden among them will be one or two great ones. With consistent practice, you will develop the ability to generate better and more creative ideas over time.

What Other Habits or Exercises Help Enhance Creative Thinking?

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