To remember
1-Keep a charming smile on your face; even if you don’t feel like smiling, pretend to smile
because the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not. Therefore, it is better to decide to smile consistently.
2-When you blame others, you give them the power to defeat you. You must stop blaming others and take responsibility for your life. No one can control your thoughts; your thoughts are entirely under your control.
3-The past is a ghost, the future a dream, all we have is the present
4-Be a good listener; know that this is not always easy and
might take time to get used to. Start now by not interrupting anyone during
their speech, showing interest, and being a good listener.
5-The fastest way to make enemies is to keep complaining to
your friends.
6-When you lose hope, you lose desire. When you lose desire,
you lose vision. When you lose vision, you lose life and wander aimlessly in
the mirage of hope.
7-Without challenges, I wouldn’t have learned. Without
sadness, I wouldn’t have known happiness. Without pain, I wouldn’t have found
relief. Without illness, I wouldn’t have healed. Without poverty, I wouldn’t
have known wealth. Without being lost, I wouldn’t have found myself. Without
failure, I wouldn’t have succeeded. Without awareness, I wouldn’t have become
who I am.
8-To be a champion, you must first believe and act as if you
are the best. Even if you’re not, pretend and behave as though you are.
9-Any fact we face is not as important as how we respond to
it, as our response determines our success or failure. In reality, no person or
circumstance can force you to feel anything without your consent. You are the
captain of your ship and the guardian of your emotions.
10-Time is the most precious thing you own, and the greatest
investment you can make. 8-It is your life and your world, your present and
your future. I care about the future because I will spend the rest of my life
11-There are times when we feel it's the end, only to
discover it's the beginning. And there are doors we feel are closed, only to
realize they are the true entrance.
12-What you see in your life now is merely a reflection of
what you did in the past, and what you will see in the future is but a
reflection of what you are doing now.
13- Life is not the days that have passed but the days we