Awaken your abilities

Develop and control your mind

Awaken your abilities:

Imagine that you want to start your car, but the handbrake is stuck, will the car move?!

So are you, human being.. you cannot move, grow, and move forward, and there are brakes that prevent you and hinder you.

You must first disable the brakes, so you must, and the most famous of these brakes that hinder your abilities are the brakes of excuses, and there are many types and they must all be disabled.. Let's get to know them.

Excuse Brakes

 Psychological state excuse:

It can be nullified by: Exhaustion in useful work.. You may find it difficult to start

Work, but once you start and begin.. Your bad psychological state will evaporate,

and your bad mood will improve.. Try it and you will see!!

Family state excuse:

You may claim that you were not raised properly by your parents, and that your father

insulted you, for example, and was cruel to you.. This brake can be nullified by:

1( Know very well that your father - no matter what you think - loves you and wishes you the best

2( No one's parents trained him to be an ideal parent, and raised him in the best possible way.

3( Why isn't the fault in you! And why do you deny all the accusations, and try to work on acquitting them at all?!

4( Your parents may appear cruel and lack understanding; they are busy thinking about how to make you happy.

5( Making this excuse will not make any progress for you, and you will remain in the same place.

6( Why don't you think the opposite way: I will be a good son to my parents!!

You may feel that you do not know how to deal with people.. This excuse can be invalidated by:

Avoid obvious mistakes in dealing with people, and things that are agreed upon as inappropriate, then no problem after that.. Do whatever you want.

Professional status excuse:

It can be invalidated by: Always develop yourself.. and know that one year is enough to acquire a skill that will open the doors of livelihood wide open for you, God willing.

Financial status excuse:

You find many people saying: If I had money, I would have done it, and I did it, and it can be invalidated by: Knowing that global statistics confirm that those who have money by inheritance from their fathers are less than 7% of the richest people in the world!!

Fear excuse:

Fear - in general - of doing something.. It can be invalidated by: I give you good news that this fear will not continue with you; Because responsibilities will be placed on your shoulders one day, and you will gain sufficient immunity, but your cleverness lies in trusting in God.

And expel this fear early for an adventure (even before facing responsibilities), and learn the calculated (so that opportunities open up for you from every side.

The excuse of habits:

Any bad habits, and it can be nullified with a simple technique:

Form positive habits, and you will work to compete with negative habits and expel them,

and the matter requires patience, so be patient!!

 The excuse of age:

Your feeling that you are very young.. and this excuse is confirmed by getting older, or very old

more.. and it can be nullified by: Let me be frank with you that - and you are old - if you wanted

to learn a new skill that is not in your specialty, you can use age as an excuse (

and it is not a sufficient justification even in this case), but if you wanted to take a step in your specialty that you already know.. then you have no excuse

Physical condition excuse:

It can be invalidated by knowing that:

Many disabled people have performed miracles.. You have no excuse, you lazy person.

What invalidates the previous excuses: work, work, work.. and patience, patience, patience.

The psychological cycle of the disease of excuses:

The person decides to fail, and begins to invent and choose a suitable excuse to resort to in justifying his failure, and uses this excuse whenever he talks to someone, or someone talks to him, and repeats this excuse time and time again, and the excuse eventually turns into a belief, and the failure begins to support this belief, and failure becomes a habit for him

The psychological cycle of excuse patients consists of: decision, then choice, then use, then repetition, then belief, then reinforcement, then habits. As we said, the excuse will not make you any progress and you will remain in the same place, so after failure becomes a habit, the failed person enters a spiral of sadness and pain. Here he begins to look at his excuse closely, revealing its falsehood, but after it is too late, and he begins to say: I wish I had done, and I did. But the beautiful thing about the subject is that pain and sadness become difficult for a person to adapt to, and here he rises up and begins to realize the excuses for what they are, and embarks on a journey of change, and the pain turns into strength and capabilities.. and the person begins to say: I cannot live this way anymore.. I must change.. The continuous pain and frustration makes a person explode internally and take off.. and begins to lift the handbrake, and press the gas.. and the car jumps forward.

How to awaken your potential?

You must first focus on your strengths, and you will find yourself rocketing.

You will realize that success is only a matter of time, and that no matter how weak your capabilities are, you can still do a lot and a lot. You must also shake off all the negative feelings that have formed in you from past failed experiences, and look at them as skills that you have benefited from.

Create your future:

Work, work, work

Work leads to achievement, then to self-realization, then to strong self-confidence, then to thanking God, then the cycle repeats again.

Work for this world and the hereafter.. For this world: plan as if you will live forever, and for the hereafter: as if you are going

The moment will take you there.. This leads to you living balanced in this world in its valleys, not materially

In a monastery waiting for the day you die.

And do not live in isolation, but live balanced, so that when death comes, you will have prepared for it with good deeds, and at the same time you have left enough for your children and family, and you will become a role model and example in goodness.

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